Darke County Republican Women's Club; Darke GOP Women
Please remember to pay your 2012 dues. Second Vice-president Linda Stachler has the information cards and will collect your money for membership.
Women's Club to Host
"October Occassion"
The next meeting of the Darke County Republican Somen's Club will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Chestnut Village Center of the Brethren Home Retirement Community.

 $5.00 admission

Click HERE to place reservations
call Wavelene Denniston at (937) 547-6477

Before noon October 4, 2012
Republican Men's and Women's Clubs
Host Public Service Event

GREENVILLE – “Things were pretty much like they are today. Reading reports of Lincoln’s Inaugural journey in papers of that time, the stories were about taxes and political disagreements,” said author Scott Trostel during his recent presentation regarding the Lincoln Inaugural Train. 
    Trostel, from the Fletcher area, is a nationally known Lincoln authority and has been consulted by such entities as The History Channel when details on Lincoln need verified.
    The Darke County Republican Men’s Club and the Darke County Republican Women’s Club sponsored a reception for Trostel recently at the Activity Center of the First Congregational Christian Church.  Trostel spoke extensively about Lincoln’s journey from Springfield through Ohio, Pennsylvania and Maryland to his final arrival in Washington, D.C. He detailed LIncoln’s speaking arrangements, interaction with the public, lodging, dining and security arrangements.
    Trostel related some of the humorous events that occurred (someone blasting the front of the eating establishment with a ceremonial canon discharge) to several serious attempts upon the life of the President to be.
    “Our club views this as a chance to provide a public service to our community,” stated Sally Zeiter, president of the Darke County Republican Women’s Club, “we are so happy to be able to do it.”
    “This was just a great opportunity to bring a well known author to Greenville to talk about one of our more popular Presidents, Abraham Lincoln,” said Hershel Fee, president of the Darke County Republican Men’s Club.
    Trostel’s two books, “The Lincoln Inaugural Train” and “The Lincoln Funeral Train” were for sale and included signing by the author. 
    An upcoming book will soon be released covering the great flood of 1913 and how it affected the “northern” six counties (those north of Montgomery). In response to questions from the audience, Trostel spoke briefly about some of the happenings in Darke County at the time of that flood. Pre-sale of the book was available.
    Hors d’oeuvres and refreshments were provided for the event and a door prize was given away.

Darke County Republican Women's Club Members
attended the
Ohio Federation of Republican Women's
Spring Board Meeting
Spring Conference
Click HERE to see photo show

Click HERE for photo pages of
 DCRWC, OFRW and other events attended by DCRWC members
Darke County Republican Women's Club 2011 & 2012 Officers
~ Lyn Bliss Photo
Officers for 2011 and 2012 term
Click on name to send an email or call at number listed
President: Sally Zeiter
First Vice-president: Micki Earwood
(937) 408-7540
Second Vice-president: Linda Stachler
Recording Secretary: JoEllen Melling
Treasurer: Joy Bowers
Corresponding Secretary: Diane Delaplane
This page paid for by the Darke County Republican Women's Club, Treasurer Joy Bowers, 747 Honeysuckle, Greenville, OH 45331